Most notable difference from other students is their excessively high nose. Haha. kidding. You tell me. Being a PFS prefect is among one of the highest honours the school can give. They are they police of the school and the craziest bunch of people!
Among their duties are patrolling the school compound to make sure that no one jumps the fence
The Permanent prefects have the privillage of wearing white pants and black leather shoes. Girl Prefects wear white skirts and white shoes. Each prefect is given a blue blazer.
Head Prefects
The Prefects Room
How do I even begin?? Easily the nerve centre of the school. Few people set foot in this mysterious corner of the school, even fewer step in twice. I have seen people come out crying, and even seen chairs flying out.
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Menyaksikan Keindahan New Delhi di Musim Dingin
7 months ago
1999 - Jeffery Woo(C) Lee Kuan Shern (VC)