The school Pavilion adorns the school field and it is the centre of many activities. The pavilion oversees the school field and it provides a spectacular view at sunrise, as it is facing the east.
Every other Wednesdays of the week, the school Uniformed bodies are gathered to mark and honour the importance of the being part of such bodies. Besides that, the pavilion is the grand stand for the School Sports day, where teachers gather and watch events as they unfold on field.
The pavilion houses among other things, the rope for the tug of war, hurdles for trek, hockey sticks, goal posts and many other sporting equipment. Beside the pavilion is a cricket pitch and the latest addition to the facilities is the men’s toilet.
Behind the pavilion lies the headmasters residence. There is a myth that under the pavilion lies a tunnel which leads to the school hall and St. Georges Girl school.
Among the more usual activities one can expect going on near the pavilion are:
1. PFS Remp Its doing willies on their motorbikes (riding a bike with one wheel in the air… without a helmet)
2. Student doing reps as required for their fitness education (Thank you Mr Yap Gark Soo)
3. Uniformed bodies having meetings during the afternoon especially scouts
4. The cricket team training to play against some foreign team
5. The Astronomy club with their hydrorocket launching rockets out into the field.
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Menyaksikan Keindahan New Delhi di Musim Dingin
7 months ago
going underground for a quick puff