Welcome to recruitment drive or RD 2004! Suddenly found old Ed Board stock pictures while I was digging through my old files.
So, as you all know, PFS is a school for scholars, sportsmen and gentlemen.
It is also home to some of the best societies and clubs!
So, every year, all Frees will congregate and welcome the new comers, or first year students.
Sample of first year students.
Clubs and societies will demonstrate their martial arts.
While teachers will also join in the activities.
This is one of the time of the year which you get to tan your belts!
and play a lil dress up. Because, when you come for RD,
you knew that something big awaits you.
From the size of things, you are sure that your friends put in loads of effort and dream big.
When the eyes of 2000 Frees are watching,
You want every drum, every trumpet to roar.
Making sure every knot, every stick was in the right place,
making every effort to impress,
this is one day of the year, where ancient skill merge with art and the modern world.
We do it not because it is easy. I mean, who would spend one month building a model ship just for the fun of it?
Well, there are the Frees who would do it just to know we can,
and there are those Frees who do it just for the fun of it.
There are also those who do it because they want to succeed, and they know that nothing can stand in their way!
Of course, holding an RD is not an easy feat. To ensure that everything is in perfect order,
you have to make sure you prepare. Those were the days when we spent the nights in the century old school. Sleeping under the blanket of starlight.
Like the ships we build, the waves of time seem to erode a tradition long gone.
And so we think of the days that were.
Menyaksikan Keindahan New Delhi di Musim Dingin
7 months ago
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